Our rock products

1" Clean
Best used for driveways, backfilling, or base rock to prep concrete pours.

1" Road Rock
Best used for sloped driveways or to have a packed driveway. Does not spread well in wet conditions.

1.5" Clean
Best used for base rock in new residential driveways or as a top layer for machinery drives.

2" Clean
Best used for agricultural entrances & machinery drives.

3" Rock
Best used in machinery drives or crossings.

6" Rock
Best used for crossings & ditches.

1/2" Chips
An option to top established passenger vehicle drives or to rock walkways. Commonly used as base for dog kennels.

3/8" Chips
A smaller option to top established passenger vehicle drives or rock walkways. Commonly used as base for dog kennels.

Base Rock
Best used as a packing rock or filling post holes.

Granular Fill
Very course lime used for fill. Best used when fill does not need much substance.

3/8" River Rock
Best used as landscaping rock, this is the smallest of our three options.

3/4" River Rock
Best used as landscaping rock, this is the middle of our three size options. This rock can also be used as a decorative driveway rock.

1.5" River Rock
Best used as landscaping rock, this is the largest of our three options.

Concrete Sand
Best used for sandboxes & masonary work.

Fill Sand
Best used for pond beaches, leveling pools, & general fill.